Cleaning office equipment does more than make it look good. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cleaning and sanitizing frequently touched items in the workplace can help to reduce the spread of illness throughout the office, supporting a healthy and productive work environment. Find out what other benefits come with regularly cleaning your office equipment, plus tips on how to clean each surface.


1. Reduces The Spread of Bacteria and Viruses

The technology in your office can easily harbor debris, germs, bacteria and allergens. Wiping down tech supplies daily can help eliminate viruses and bacteria from spreading in the office.

2. Increases The Lifespan of the Equipment

Dirt and grime can be imbedded into equipment over time. Debris can lead to wear, tear and potential malfunctions. With regular cleaning, your technology can remain fully functional for longer.

3. Helps Improve Employee Productivity

Clean, organized offices promote healthy and inviting business environments, which helps contribute to productive workplaces. If items aren’t regularly cleaned, allergens and viruses have the potential to increase the number of sick employees, which can lead to lost work time and lowered business productivity. Clean equipment such as computer monitors and keyboards, can be easier to use. Monitors can be viewed more clearly and keyboards are less likely to stick.


1. Computer Monitors

To effectively remove dust particles, fingerprints or other items from your monitors, all you need is a microfiber cloth or electronic wipes. Never put water or cleaning fluids that aren’t designed for technology directly on your monitors.

2. Mouse

Wipe off the top of your mouse with a dry microfiber cloth. Use a lightly moistened disinfectant wipe to remove germs without allowing liquid to drip into the mouse. If you notice any dust or other items stuck inside the mouse, use compressed air to blast it out.

3. Keyboard

First, use compressed air to remove dust, crumbs and other particles from your keyboard. Then, use a lightly moistened disinfectant wipe to remove germs and bacteria. Avoid using disinfectant wipes that are overly damp, as moisture can seep in between the keys and may damage your equipment.

4. Phone

Like other technology, office phones can be cleaned using disinfectant wipes and microfiber cloths. Wipe down the entire system, including the buttons, receiver and handset, to effectively remove germs. If your office also has headsets, wipe them down with disinfectant wipes.

5. Tablets, Mobile Devices and Touchscreens

Use a disinfectant wipe to remove dirt and germs. Follow up with a microfiber cloth to keep screens clear and ready to use.

If you need help increasing productivity in your workplace by providing a clean, healthy environment for your team members, call the professionals at Cinlee Cleaning Services. We provide commercial janitorial services and have the expertise and equipment necessary to deliver the highest quality of clean. Let us work with you to develop a cleaning program that’s customized to your office’s unique needs.