Clutter creates a chaotic and stressful feeling for most people. Maybe even you. Productivity and effectiveness can be low every time you try to work in a cluttered environment. Boost your mood and performance by using decluttering tips and organization advice from Cinlee Cleaning Services in Columbus Indiana.

1. Remove Everything

A truly clean workspace starts from scratch. Remove everything from your desktop, drawers and shelves. Then, place them in neat piles on the floor or in another room. Now that your desk is empty, wipe down all surfaces and clean off your computer equipment.

2. Evaluate Each Item

Once you know what you have, it’s easier to determine what you really need. You may be surprised to find how many extra pens, folders, sticky notes and other unnecessary supplies you’ve had this whole time!

Go through your office items and create three piles. Keep, archive and junk. The items in the “keep” pile should include things you’ll need for daily and weekly work. The “archive” pile should include important documents and information that must be kept but doesn’t need to be in plain view every day. You can even split this group into two sub-groups: one for yearly and another for long-term. The “junk” pile should include items you can throw away or donate.

3. Rearrange Your Space

If your office space regularly gets cluttered soon after clean-up, evaluate your layout. Items that you use every day should be kept close to you for easy access. Store items that don’t get used often in drawers or shelves to keep your desk space free of clutter.

4. Use Dividers and Shelves

Dividers can help if you’re prone to haphazardly throwing items in drawers. Hanging shelves can organize binders, manuals, reference materials and other paperwork, while drawer dividers keep small office items separated, organized and easy to locate.

5. Put Stuff Where It Belongs

Now that you know which items you want to keep and how close you need to keep them, put your items in organized spaces. Keep your desk space neat and clear.

6. Clean Up Everyday

Once your office is decluttered, keep it that way. After using your desk each day, put items back in their designated spots. Put pens in holders, file papers and return binders to bookshelves. Then, wipe down your desk with a disinfectant wipe to help keep germs at bay. By tidying up every day, you can help keep your space organized for longer.

With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to keeping your space clutter-free and productive. If you work in an office environment with coworkers, keeping your own desk clean may not be enough. To help keep the entire facility organized and promote better productivity, hire professional janitorial cleaning services. Our expertise, professionalism and guarantee to deliver the highest level of clean every time can help keep your office clean and tidy. We’ll even work with you to create a customized cleaning schedule that meets your office’s needs and schedule. Contact us now to start the conversation.