You trust that your work environment is healthy and clean. If your office is not cleaned properly or on a regular basis, it can quickly become unhealthy. Spending eight hours a day for at least five days a week in a dirty office can be hazardous to your health.

What health issues can occur or become worse while working in a dirty office?

  • Asthma– Asthma is a breathing condition that can become serious if agitated. When working in a dirty office, individuals suffering from asthma may find themselves breathing in dust and mold, which can cause a negative reaction.
  • Allergies– Mold, mildew, dust, and pollen can remain in your office if proper cleaning is not performed, which could leave staff sniffing and sneezing all year.
  • Eczema– This type of skin condition is caused by an irritation, which then causes itching, redness, and dryness of the skin. Different bacteria and viruses can cause a reaction as well as contact with dust mites and mold.


In order to combat a dirty office and keep staff healthy and thriving, trust your office cleaning to a commercial cleaning company. A commercial cleaning company will ensure your office is cleaned properly and effectively on a regular schedule.

Cinlee Cleaning Services provides Columbus, Indiana, Bartholomew County and surrounding areas with professional commercial cleaning services they can trust. With many years of professional experience, the DeFreitas family created this family owned and operated business to provide you with commercial cleaning services that are sure to exceed your expectations. We understand the importance of having a clean and healthy work space, which is why our staff is trained to provide services that aren’t just clean, they are Cinlee Clean.

Contact our customer service to talk about how our cleaning service can help you keep your office a healthy working environment.